Best presenter

award Overall


Registration waves off for next year same conference.
30% Discount for any of GOLBALKS conference in next 12 months.
Special Discount on registration fee for 10 nominated people from his/her network for any ONE conference from GOLBALKS during next 12 months.
Can publish any number of academic articles through GOLBALKS blog.

Prof. Iliana Ballester-Panelli

A Professor at Universidad del Sagrado Corazón in San Juan, Puerto Rico and the Director of Elemento 360

Best Presenter

The fourth edition of International Conference on Research in Business, Management, and Finance.
Watch Now


Practical application of the research to the community.
Tangible and Intangible benefits/ outcomes of the research.
Value addition from the perspectives of economic and societal aspects ( By addressing issues in the society or relevant discipline)
Overall Best Student should possess minimum a bachelor degree and Overall Best Presenter should reading for doctorate.
Discount Rate will decide and inform by the organization.
Conference Chair has the authority to make the final decision.

Who should attend?

Our event is designed for members of the academia and non-profit, public, and private sector members who are interested in the latest research and academic developments in the field of ManagementBusinessFinance and Economics.

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