
Sixth Round

Virtual Session

Join the world's brightest minds at the upcoming edition of the International Conference on Research in Business, Management, and Finance

AuthorArticle TitleAffiliation
Prof. Atiya AbuharrisThe Role of Cross – Training in Reducing the Level of Labor Turnover, Applied Study on Some Hotels in Tripoli-Libya (2022-2023)The Libyan Academy of Post Graduate Study, Libya
Jazmín Alexandra Pérez SalazarProf. Jazmin Pérez SalazarEmotional intelligence and productive performance of zone 5 Ecuador microentrepreneurs.Universidad Estatal De Milagro , Ecuador
Prof.  Karuthan ChinnaPerception on and the intention to use 5G technology in Malaysian SMEsUCSI University , Malaysia
Prof.  Paweł SmagaAssessment of macroprudential strategiesSGH Warsaw School of Economics , Poland
Dr. Jey-D NyalunguRelationship between corporate governance principles and performance in state entities of developing countries.Durban University of Technology, South Africa
Dr. Antonia LampakiTactics for Implementing Strategic Change: Development and Validation of a Multidimensional MeasureAthens University of Economics and Business , Greece
Paul NixonMr.Paul NixonSouth African traders show a sunny COVID-19 disposition (effect)Momentum Investments , South Africa
Dionysios MamalougkasMr. Dionysios MamalougkasTotal Cost Of Ownership as an effective method of calculating the total cost of in vitro laboratory equipmentAbbott Laborories S.A. Greece
Mr. Sewornu Kobla AfadzinuTechnological Innovation and its Impact on Audit Assurance, Objectivity, and Transparency in the Digital AgeUniversity of Szeged, Hungary
Mario Alfredo Fernández SolísMr. Mario FernándezMicro enterprise productivity through clusters: An approach based on competencies and emotional intelligenceUniversidad Estatal de Milagro (UNEMI), Ecuador
Mr. Jittapon ChumkateStudy of Sustainable Model in Processed Banana Business of Community Enterprises in Western ThailandFaculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University , Thailand
Parinya RoonphoMr. Parinya RoonphoBehavior and Factors Affecting Management of English Tutoring Business in Bangkok, ThailandFaculty of Management Science, Silpakorn Universit , Thailand
Prasopchai PasunonMr. Prasopchai PasunonSustainable Marketing Development for Tourism: Creative Tourism Villages Along West Coast Tourism Area of ThailandFaculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University, Thailand
Mr. Thirawat ChantukGastronomy Tourism Business Management of the Communities in Coastal Tourism Area with High Popularity in Thailand for Sustainable DevelopmentFaculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University, Thailand
Mr. Mohamed EldesokyMacroeconomic variables as an early warning sign for monitoring construction cost indices – “Egypt case study.”Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Egypt
Mr. Muhammad GulahmadovThe Significance of the Zangazur Corridor in the Liberated Territories of Azerbaijan: A Catalyst for Regional Development and ConnectivityInstitute of Economics, Azerbaijan
Eirini KaramanoliMrs. Eirini KaramanoliPolicies and Processes for Effective Data Management in Public Administration and Large OrganizationsHellenic Open University, Greece
Mrs. Soheir Zaki Abdel MajeedThe impact of work-life balance policies on job performance (Applied study of small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the field of implementing telephone networks in Egypt)Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Egypt
Mrs. Elena Lupancu-PopaThe role of coaching in the development of entrepreneurial skills in communication and relationship building“CONSTANTIN STERE” University Chisinau, Moldova
Ms. Salma DarwishThe impact of intellectual capital on the financial performance of non-banking financial companies listed on the Egyptian stock exchange Analytical study for 2010 to 2021Arab Academy for science, Technology and maritime transport, Egypt
Hajar El HassaniMiss. Hajar El HassaniEstablishing business ethics in a cross-cultural organisational context: A Systematic Literature ReviewAbdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco

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